A CMS written in ReactJS, Ruby on Rails and Terraform used for learning



A CMS written in ReactJS, Ruby on Rails and Terraform used for learning. Although it is a working project, it was not created with the intention of being a production system. Instead this has been my practice project over the years, used for testing new ideas.


  1. ./bin/setup to set up the system
  2. ./bin/test to run all tests
  3. ./bin/test spec/models/user_spec.rb to run one test or folder
  4. ./bin/quality to run code quality checks
  5. ./bin/run to start services
  6. http://localhost:3000/ to access the site
  7. http://localhost:3000/graphiql to view GraphQL api


Deplyoment is managed via GitHub actions with the following manual steps:

Heroku Addon PostgreSQL

heroku pg:backups:schedule --at '02:00 UTC' --app obduk-cms-production

Heroku Addon Rollbar

  1. Open Rollbar from Heroku app
  2. Go to Settings
  3. In general select a timezone
  4. In source control enable Github
  5. In project access tokens copy post_client_item token and run the following:
heroku config:set --app obduk-cms-production ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN=xxx

Heroku Addon Scheduler

  1. Open Heroku Scheduler from Heroku app
  2. Add new job
  3. Set command to ./bin/rails runner 'DailyJob.perform_now'
  4. Set frequency to daily

Heroku Addon Scout

  1. Open Scout from Heroku app
  2. Go to alerts and set conditions, groups and channels
  3. Go to app settings and set up Github integration

Download Details:

Author: owenbendavies

Source Code: https://github.com/owenbendavies/cms

#reactjs #javascript #react

A CMS written in ReactJS, Ruby on Rails and Terraform used for learning
6.15 GEEK