Hello Readers. This will be a blog series on Self-hosted Sentry deployment over AWS. In the 1st blog of this series, I’ll be deploying a self-hosted Sentry server. Before starting up with deployment, let’s first understand what Sentry is and what does it provide.

What is Sentry?

Sentry is a service that helps you monitor and fix crashes in real-time. It helps in tracking errors and also provide with information to reproduce the issue and fix crashes. Apart from this, it also provides insights into production deployments, all that in real-time. Some of its prominent features include

  • Consolidates similar error and make their resolution easy
  • Huge list of supported platforms.
  • Provide Hosted and Self Hosted service
  • Multiple integrations available including GitHub and Slack
  • Allow Email Notification and many more…

#aws #self-hosted sentry #sentry #sentry deployment

Self-Hosted Deployment of Sentry over AWS
2.95 GEEK