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Intro to how to make money from blogging for beginners

In today's article, we will talk about how to make money from blogging for beginners.

It's the first part of the 13 easy ideas about how to make money with programming, all of them you can find here:

13 easy ideas how to make money with programming without big effort

These will not be chronologically, and I will add them in the order like you (our readers) will like the best.

In the first one, I've decided to tell you about this one that you can start immediately, with no-investment.

That method is blogging.

I will tell you about the most and crucial things that you should care about when doing blogging.

But I will give you tips about tools, themes, platforms, or methods that will be super helpful.

Let's start!

And if you prefer video, here is the youtube version:

Learn how to select topics that people like, or you are expert in

Of course, you can just start writing about topics that you want.

In some cases, if you're passionate about them, you will give the real value, but what if nobody will be interested in reading that?

If you would like to know how to make money from blogging for beginners, you should know what your audience would like to read.

Knowing what your users would like to read is one of the critical things you can get!

Even if you do not know yet, no worries, I can recommend a few handy tools.

The first one is the tool named answerthepublic that can give you an answer about what people ask in the search browsers most.

The next tool that I can recommend is buzzsumo. 

This one is a great tool that will give you the information about what is trending now, what people ask for, what people share.

Buzzsumo gives some more tools like keyword explorers or social media analytics as well

The third tool is the keywordstool that can do a lot of research of keywords, for example, how many people search for your keywords, and how big competition is.

Remember about creating content with correct grammar (it's important not only for users but for SEO as well). 

You can use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway app that will check if your content is okay.

Select the best platform for blogging

You don't need to be a programmer or rent an expensive server to start blogging, and you can do it even for free.

Of course, it's more flexible, and you will have a lot more possibilities to customize by using own-hosted or written from a scratch blog.

Anyway, sometimes it is good to mix your own-hosted platform and ready-made template.

You can do it, for example, by mixing WordPress with Divi, which will give you almost unlimited possibilities to custom blog, without coding.

If you select the hosting with CPanel, for example, one that the divi company recommends it.

You will not need to mess with WordPress installation and do it by a few clicks.

When you would like to go with the free platform, and don't care about your hosting, I suggest one of these :



-Github pages



There you can just create an account and start blogging.

Select the best template that will keep people on your blog

I would say it's a very important point.

Because even if you have excellent SEO and your website is fast, you can have a template that will not be easy to read or user-friendly.

Another side, you can have a very nice template but will be very slow or not SEO friendly, which will kill a lot of your traffic.

From the free platforms, I can recommend two of the platforms.

The first is Devto, it's very fast, is user-friendly, and readability is on a very nice level.

The second one is medium, that is much, much, much slower than devto.

Readability and user-friendliness are on a similar level, but their SEO is very, very strong.

About the own-hosted, the easiest to maintain and build own stuff will be the Divi that I've recommended before, with WordPress.

It's not the fastest, but having decent SEO, is relatively easy to maintain, and it's yours.

The fastest ones for own-hosted will be this static stuff like gatsby or Hugo with headless cms, but it's very often not free, and you will need some skills to config that.

Be consistent

It does not matter what platform or media you use, but it's important to be consistent.

With blogging, it's not needed to add ten posts per day, as it is, for example, for twitter, but you still need to have some rule.

If you're adding content, for example, weekly, its good to add it always the same day and the same hour.

That habit will let your audience know when they can expect the next post.

Some of them will wait for that time. It can create habits in their life, to check your blog every x day, and look for the new post.

Take care about SEO

If you do blogging, you can have a few ways of traffic.

You can use paid traffic, for example from ads, it's a lot of traffic, a perfect boost to start, but when you stop paying, the traffic disappears.

Social media are similar to paid traffic.

Just the traffic is usually smaller and free, but there is a lot of streamed content, and your post will disappear quickly.

The better way is to use traffic from the existing platforms, like, for example, devto or medium.

Because it's win-win, use their audience, use their strong SEO, and give their users valuable content.

This method is good not only for a start, but for the future as well. I would suggest contributing to existing platforms for a longer time.

But the traffic way you will depend on the most is probably the whole of your blogging life is the SEO.

It's very important to have your blog as fast as possible, and 100% SEO optimized.

In the previous point, I've told you how to know what people search in search engines, but you need to optimize your titles, meta, and content to be good for the SEO.

I would suggest using tools like Moz, semrush, seoscout, or other SEO content analysis tools.

That will tell you if your article is good for the x keywords.

If you use WordPress, I recommend using any SEO plugin, like, for example, Yoast SEO.

When you do SEO content, take care of your article's readability score as well!

Use the best analytics for blog

Analytics is something that you need to care about.

If you select a good one tool, you will have a lot of useful information.

The most know on the marketplace (and free) is Google Analytics.

In most cases, GA is enough for the beginners, especially if you will configure it properly.

You can take other tools like Quantcast, kissmetrics, Piwik, or hotjar (in most cases, these are paid).

Good analytics can tell you what users do on your page, which page they like most, which they leave, where they came from, or how long they are on your blog.

It can give you info about age, interests, location, and even which type of OS they use.

All of this info can be very helpful for you.

Especially when, for example, the traffic will start going down, you will be able to find the reason faster.

Add web monetization

Web monetization is something kinda new (as a Web Monetization API) but can be really useful.

You can set up a web monetization and permit your users to read articles, for example, for $0.01 or sell them monthly membership.

Amounts for the micro-payments can look very small, but if you have few thousands of users, it might be an excellent way to get some extra $$$.

Find partnership and learn how to write sponsored posts

The partnerships are very important, and only some bloggers care about them and see the real potential.

If you find some partners, you can not only write sponsored posts for them.

You can cross-boost your blogs by sharing their posts, and they can share yours, its a big point for the SEO as well.

It's worth especially if they have strong SEO.

You can send emails to the bloggers that you think you could have something in common.

But not only!

If you have an interesting blog, you can join some bloggers networks, or influencers hub, and start getting offers there.

If you have a lot of readers, it can be a very, very profitable method.

Learn how to do affiliate

The next thing that you can do in your blog posts is to do affiliate.

To start doing affiliate, you can search on the internet for the "affiliate program" or "be an affiliate", that will give you a lot of the affiliate programs, that single companies offer.

The second method that you can find affiliate programs is to join the affiliate networks like jvzoo or ClickBank and select the exciting offer there.

I would suggest not to create fake reviews, where you recommend some products and put a lot of affiliate links there.

Because your audience can feel cheated and will stop following you.

But if you test a few products, make a comparison, or are just fans of something, why shouldn't you create a post about that, and add referral links?

Some companies pay even 80% of the price (especially in IT or that have digital products), so doing affiliate can be very, very profitable.

Create your own product or learn how to do dropshipping that you will sell to your audience

This one method is what I like because if you have your own product, you can show it to the audience that reads your blog.

It's a perfect way because if a product is related to topics that you write about, your audience probably will get a lot of value from your product.

Of course, if you have a good product because you should never sell a bad product to the people that like and trust you.

It's like cheating your friends because people that read your blog are your friends.

You should always care about them and give them the only product that can give them value.

Learn how to add Google AdSense or learn which ad network is the best for your blog

The last step that will help you to monetize your blog is to show ads of somebody else, and they will pay you for that.

You can find the company that would like to advertise on your blog, that will be a much harder method, but you can earn much more (no providers).

The second method you can use to put ads on your blog is to join the ads network, for example, AdSense.

Joining AdSense is much easier because it requires to create an account, and wait for the approval.

Next, you need to put the AdSense code on your blog, in places that you decide to show ads.

What is is the best here, Google will show the best ads that fit the user, so there is the biggest probability of click in.

It depends on the traffic, of course, about earnings from the CPC (cost per click).

But the price per click varies on the location of the audience and a lot on the topic.

As far as I know, the best paid are financial, IT, and insurance categories.

Conclusion of how to make money from blogging for beginners

Congratulations, now you have important knowledge about how to make money from blogging for beginners, and what is important for that!

Now you will be able to use them to grow your blog and start earning on that.

If you already have a blog, share a link to it in the comments and give some info.

Maybe we will be able to cross-grow our blogs and do some partnerships!

I hope you like the article and video, if yes, don't forget to tell us about that and comment if you have some questions.

If you would like to get more detailed episodes about earning money with coding, give us thumb up on the video!

If there will be 30 thumb ups, we will create the next tutorial :)

Thanks for reading,

Radek from Duomly

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11 steps how to make money from blogging for beginners
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