Nowadays Rest API is the most widely used way to share data, In which many API returns a subset of complete data in form of page.

Sometimes we need to append multiple query param in the URL to get some specific and filtered data.

In this blog, we will learn how to generate dynamic URLs by adding query param and get data.

Knime platform supports Rest interface with Get-Request and Post-Request Node.

Accessing Rest Interface in Knime

Below is the Knime Analytic workflow which include all the Knime Nodes required to access Rest API in this

blog are as below:

Explaining the Configuration of each Node

Table Creator

This node is with default configuration, It read the table from the native Knime format, The Performance is

Counting Loop Start

The Loop Start is the node that starts a loop that is executed a predefined number of times. At the end of the loop you need LoopEnd, which collects the results from all loop iterations. All nodes in between are executed as many times as you specify in the dialog of LoopStart.

In this node configuration we give the number of time the loop will run.

Math Formula

This node evaluates a mathematical expression based on the values in a row or given expression. The computed results can be either appended as a new column or a variable.

In this node we configure the increment on the loop index, in this case, it is increasing by 1.

String Manipulation

This node Manipulates strings like Search and Replace, to Uppercase remove leading and trailing white spaces.

Here this node will append the page number to the fix part of URL

#analytics #analysis #dynamic methods #knime #restapi #data analysis

Knime: Accessing a REST API with dynamic query param
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