This weekend is the first 2018 Philadelphia Code Camp at the Microsoft Malvern AP MTC. I am teaching a full day Progressive Web App (PWA) on Friday.

Saturday I am delivering a pair of sessions, one on Progressive Web Apps and the other on creating a serverless app in AWS.

There are over 60 additional sessions that cover a wide range of developer topics. And, Saturday’s sessions are all free, and of course ‘sold out’.

Like most, I wanted to know when my Saturday sessions were and what other topics are being covered. So I went to the code camp’s schedule page. And well I was less than impressed.

I know Bill Wolff did his best to throw together a functional session grid. But, like many sites it did not load fast enough for me and left some usability on the table.

Check out the sibling article on how the application’s service worker works

So I got motivated…

I mean I can’t complain if I don’t want to do something about it, right?

So I called Bill and told him I would create a camp schedule Progressive Web App.

Its a good thing that Bill is a good sport and seemed happy for me to undertake the effort.

It was a good thing, because I had already laid out my project plan!

#progressive web app

The Philly Code Camp Schedule Progressive Web App (PWA)
1.40 GEEK