Hope this video will be interesting in Rest Client or consume REST APIs using Java Rest client, Mobile or Android-based REST client, and JavaScript-based REST client to be helpful for those who are interested.
Technology & Tools used:

  1. Eclipe IDE
  2. Java 8+, Spring Boot and RestTemplate
  3. Maven (building tool)
  4. H2/MySQL/PostgreSQL(backend server)
  5. RESTFul APIs/Web Services(uvsoftgrouptemplateprogramming- to consume
  6. Spring Boot profile based external configuration and also deployment
  7. Java Rest client: Apache HttpClient, RestEasy, Jersey Client RestTemplate
  8. JavaScript Rest Client: HttpClient
  9. Smart devices or Android Mobile-based REST client: Volley, RESTDroid, RoboSpice and Retfrofit
  10. Google Postman (client-side testing tool)

#rest apis #apache httpclient #resteasy

Consume REST APIs | Apache HttpClient | RestEasy | Jersey Client
1.05 GEEK