I was working on a content script for a Chrome Extension, and I needed to wait until a certain element appeared in the DOM that I don’t control, or timeout.

I couldn’t find anything that suits my need, so I came up with this async function that takes a function to evaluate if a condition is met, and a timeout in milliseconds. It returns a promise that resolves if the condition is met within the timeout, or rejects if the timeout is reached.

async function sleepUntil(f, timeoutMs) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        timeWas = new Date();
        wait = setInterval(function() {
            if (f()) {
                console.log("resolved after", new Date() - timeWas, "ms");
            } else if (new Date() - timeWas > timeoutMs) { // Timeout
                console.log("rejected after", new Date() - timeWas, "ms");
        }, 20);

#javascript-tips #javascript #asynchronous

Javascript: Wait Until Something Happens or Timeout
1.70 GEEK