Create unique and interesting apps using these APIs

Nothing excites me more than finding an out of the ordinary API.

Many times we just want to focus on the frontend but also need interesting, dynamic data to display.

This is where public APIs come into play. API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface.

The core benefit of using it is that it allows one program to interact with other programs.

Using public APIs allows you to focus on the frontend and things that matter without worrying so much about the database and the backend.

Below are 7 less-talked about public and free APIs.

  1. Evil Insult Generator
  2. Movies and TV API
  3. Mapbox
  5. GIF Search
  6. Favourite Quotes API
  7. Edamam Nutrition and Recipe Analysis API

#web-development #programming #javascript #api #developer

7 Free APIs That Nobody Is Talking About
11.40 GEEK