Restoring Sample Azure SQL database

Restoring a sample database is always useful, not matter if you are an experienced developer or a new one. It will help you to have comfortable playground where you can do all the test you need to improve your skills without the need to spend time creating new data and models from scratch, so that you can focus on learning. Also, usually samples you can find around the web use well-known sample databases, so having it available quickly always comes handy. Long story short, restoring a database in Azure SQL is very simple, but if that’s a new thing for you, you may benefit from some script I prepared so that you can skip the trial-and-error phase and just go directly to the coding phase:

Restore Database in Azure SQL

That’s all you need to know to get started with Azure SQL sample databases. But if – and you should – you want to learn a bit more around backup and restore in Azure SQL, read on.

Automatic Backups

Azure SQL automatically takes care of backup for you. That’s a great feature: as a developer I know I can rely on this native support to make sure I always have the ability to restore my database in case sometime goes wrong, but I don’t have the burden of managing this extremely important but really-not-a-dev-thing operation. If you are a full-stack developer or a back-end developer that also needs to take care of data, I’m sure you’ll love this ability as basically it means you get all the benefits with no drawbacks. Hard to ask for more!

In case you want to get a bit deeper into how automatic backups are done, there are a couple of very interesting videos

Azure SQL – Automated Backups (Part 1) Azure SQL – Automated Backups (Part 2)

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