Flutter Translator Package Use for App Localization

Flutter Translator

Flutter Translator is a package use for in-app localization with json file. More easier and faster to implement. This package is inspired by the flutter_localizations itself.

How To Use

Create the json file for the language translation

We’re not support the dynamic path and file name yet so the json files have to be at the assets/locales/ and the file name has to be localization_{languageCode}.json example: localization_en.json So the directory tree will look like this:

|__ ...
|__ android
|__ assets
    |__ fonts
    |__ images
    |__ locales
        |__ localization_en.json
        |__ localization_km.json
        |__ localization_ja.json
|__ ios
|__ lib
|__ ...

And don’t for get to add asset path to the pubspec.yaml:

    - assets/locales/

Project configuration

  • Initialize the TranslatorGenerator object (this can be local or global, up to you)
final TranslatorGenerator translator = TranslatorGenerator.instance;

  • Init the supported languages and default language code for the app. This has to be done only at the main.dart
void initState() {
        supportedLanguageCodes: ['en', 'km', 'ja'],
        initLanguageCode: 'en',
    translator.onTranslatedLanguage = _onTranslatedLanguage;

void _onTranslatedLanguage(Locale locale) {
    setState(() {});

  • Add supportedLocales and localizationsDelegates to the MaterialApp
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        supportedLocales: translator.supportedLocales,
        localizationsDelegates: translator.localizationsDelegates,
        home: HomeScreen(),

  • Call the translate function anytime you want to translate the app and provide it with the language code
    child: Text('English'),
    onPressed: () {

  • To display the value from the json file, just use the getString function by providing context and key
translator.getString(context, 'title');

  • You also can get the language name too. If you don’t specify the language code for the function, it will return the language name depend on the current app locale
translator.getLanguageName(languageCode: 'en');  // English
translator.getLanguageName(languageCode: 'km');  // ភាសាខ្មែរ
translator.getLanguageName(languageCode: 'ja');  // 日本語

translator.getLanguageName();  // get language name depend on current app locale

Download Details:

Author: channdara

Source Code: https://github.com/channdara/flutter_translator

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Flutter Translator Package Use for App Localization
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