.NET 5 is here, and Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core is fully compatible. Check out what’s new in .NET 5 and how you can take advantage today.

With the recent official release of .NET 5, announced at .NET Conf 2020, a lot has changed in the .NET world. In this blog post, we will recap the main features in the fifth iteration of the Platform. We will also touch on some key drivers behind the new release, the long-term strategy of Microsoft, and how the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core component suite can help you build powerful web applications with modern UI in half the time, by building on .NET 5.

What’s Featured in .NET 5?

Dotnet5 Unified Platform

.NET 5 – Unified Platform (source Microsoft)

Going forward with .NET there won’t be any notion of “Framework” or “Core,” as these both will merge into one—“.NET 5.” Microsoft’s main goal was to create a system that allows developers to use C#, F#, and the same .NET APIs to create a wide range of different applications through different chip architectures on various operating systems.

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Step Into .NET 5 with Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Components
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