Apple’s new iOS 14 is yet to officially hit the market. But its new security updates are already revealing some serious privacy concerns. The OS update is currently available in beta, and as such, developers and testers have already started to work around iOS 14.

One of the new features notifies users every time clipboard data is being used by a third-party app. During the developer beta stage of iOS14, users discovered that TikTok accesses device clipboard data. The app has been monitoring every few keystrokes even when it was running in the background. TikTok has updated its app since the news came out. But the damage was done. In fact, things had gotten so problematic for TikTok since then that the app is now banned in India, its biggest market.

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Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Another similar incident came in the form of LinkedIn. The Microsoft-owned social media giant was caught copying clipboard data on iOS. Erran Berger, VP Engineering for consumer products at LinkedIn stated that this was traced back to a “code path that only does an equality check between the clipboard contents and the currently typed content in a text box.” He also mentioned that LinkedIn does not store or transmit clipboard data.

Along with TikTok and LinkedIn, Reddit was also found snooping clipboard data. According to a Reddit spokesperson, this was to check the clipboard for URLs when starting a new post. The spokesperson further added that the company does not store or send clipboard data.

Following criticism, both Microsoft and Reddit are making changes to the apps to remove the functionality.

But these are not one-off incidents. During the iOS 14 developer beta phase, 53 apps were reported to have been accessing clipboard data for no clear reason. Some of these included known names like Al Jazeera English, NPR, Reuters, PUBG Mobile, Viber, Accuweather. Following the report, several apps have since curbed the practice.

The New iOS 14 Is Putting the Spotlight on Privacy

The main issue with companies monitoring your clipboard data is the ambiguity of the entire process. Prior to the discovery in iOS 14 beta, there was no clear indication as to why apps are accessing users’ clipboard data. Essentially, it is a clear lack of transparency from companies, one that Apple focuses on with the new update.

The clipboard data notification is only one of the handful of privacy features to come in iOS 14. One of the key additions is to its App Store, where Apple will require developers to specify what type of data apps will collect. Users can see this information on product pages on the App Store.

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Image credits: Apple

On a device level, Apple has also announced that iOS devices will notify users every time their mic or video is in use. This immediately takes security up a notch and may prove to be a vital one — particularly in a scenario where companies like Facebook are accused of secretly listening to you through your phone.

For years, many have pointed the finger at Facebook, claiming that it has been spying on people’s conversations to serve ads. Facebook has vehemently denied the allegations several times. However, the company later admitted that third-party contractors transcribe audio messages on its Messenger app.

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The New iOS 14 Is Already Unmasking Serious Privacy Concerns
1.10 GEEK