Let say you have blasted your beautifully curated Google Form to the public.

You have received their responses and monitor them in a real-time dashboard

Based on their responses, you then saw that you have to send them more follow-up questions.

For the sake of a better user experience, arguably it’s better that you already provide default answers for some questions that are more likely have not changed over a short period of time.

Those questions can be related to demographic questions, such as gender, age, income, or contacts, such as email or WhatsApp.

Of course, you don’t want to share your follow-up forms randomly with the public since you already have your specific target respondents along with their contact. You have to blast these follow-up questions directly to them instead.

But… Can we do that? If so, how??

Without wasting any more time, let’s take a deep breath, make a cup of tea, and I invite you to learn with me about how to create pre-filled Google Forms automatically and how to blast them to your target respondents’ email using Python!

#python #data-science #aritificial-intelligence #data-analysis

How to Customize Your Pre-Filled Google Form using Python
2.60 GEEK