Block-Chain or Block chain, a technology buzzword that proved itself to be a breakthrough in the transactions of 21st century. That’s right, Block-chain serves as a public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Well calling it a buzzword would be injustice, block-chain is still dominating the technological developed transactional areas where manual transactional records have been totally replaced by an online ledger through block-chain.

Coming down in the real estate business, in spite of having numerous guides, realtors and agencies available easily, property buyers still find it bit unsettling while going through the process of buying properties for sale. This is because of the following 2 reasons:

Mismanagement of Documents

No business can withstand without sincerity, honor, self-determination and trust. The real estate businesses require all these 4 attributes to get an unshakeable confidence in the global property market. And management plays a big role in proving a trustworthy service by any particular real estate business.

Once the client submits the documents, it must be noted that those documents are personal, private and sometimes highly confidential. A single mismanagement of documents can bring down the whole credibility of that property dealer and can also create chaos among the whole clientele. Therefore it is important to introduce a system that solves these type of problems.


Tampering refers to the intentional modification in legal documents. It’s considered as white-collar crime and the punishment is severe in different parts of the world.

In real estate business, tampering is observed as one of the most common crimes in property dealings. When the concerned people get to know about this, their trust from property market levitates. They begin to feel more insecure. They become more skeptic in future regarding .


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