Being stuck in our own homes for months has given most people the motivation to invest in cookware and learn how to cook or bake by reading articles or watching YouTube videos. However, we all know baking the same loaf of bread 3 times can get old. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to talk to a friend who is actually a famous chef or someone who worked at a Michelin star restaurant? That would be an awesome way to pick up new tips on baking the most scrumptious lemon cake or creamy artichoke soup.

Using GPT-3 and Twilio WhatsApp API, you have the chance to talk to a Michelin star chef to ask questions on what you should cook next and even unlock a new way to bake a favorite snack such as scones.

GPT-3 engine generating text about scones

Follow this tutorial to make your own Chef Bot and figure out how to impress your friends with the next big hit meal with the new wacky recipes you’ll discover!

Is this a chatbot that should be taken seriously? Maybe, or maybe not, but hey, it’s going to be fun talking to a high class chef or entertaining kids with it!

GPT-3 engine generating random response texts about cooking

Tutorial Requirements

  • Python 3.6 or newer. If your operating system does not provide a Python interpreter, you can go to to download an installer.
  • An OpenAI API key. Request beta access here.
  • A free or paid Twilio account. If you are new to Twilio get your free account now! (If you sign up through this link, Twilio will give you $10 credit when you upgrade.)
  • ngrok, a handy utility to connect the development version of our Python application running on your system to a public URL that Twilio can connect to. This is necessary for the development version of the application because your computer is likely behind a router or firewall, so it isn’t directly reachable on the Internet. You can also choose to automate ngrok as shown in this article.


Since we will be installing some Python packages for this project, we will need to make a new project directory and a virtual environment.

#code # tutorials and hacks

Customize a WhatsApp Chatbot with OpenAI's GPT-3, Twilio and Python
3.55 GEEK