This video on Data Analytics for Beginners covers all the basics and the concepts that will help you start learning data analytics. You will understand what data analytics and the need for data analytics. Then, you learn the different process steps in data analytics and the essential tools that are used to perform data analytics. Also, you will see a case study on how Walmart uses data analytics for running its business. Finally, we’ll do some hands-on demo using linear regression in R to predict sales for the advertising budget. So, let’s get started.

  1. What is Data Analytics? 01:07
  2. Steps involved in Data Analytics 04:29
  3. Tools used for Data Analytics 08:05
  4. Data Analytics Applications 11:58
  5. Companies using Data Analytics 14:45
  6. Case Study 15:22
  7. Use Case Demo 18:09

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Data Analytics For Beginners - Data Analytics Using R
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