A Very Simple CRUD App to Manage Personal Tasks

toDo - task app

General info

A very simple CRUD app to manage personal tasks which I made to learn new technologies, the app allow us to create tasks, complete them and remove them



  • Node 16.0.0
  • Express 4.17.1
  • Mongoose 5.11.8
  • Cors 2.8.5
  • Axios 0.21.1
  • Vue 2.6.11
  • Vuex 3.6.0
  • Tailwindcss


First at all it’s necessary to have a MongoDB instance running in background, after check that, you can clone this project and install the npm dependencies:

$ cd toDo-app/client
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ cd ..

After that, run node in the server side:

$ npm run server

After that, in a different terminal, run vue in the client side:

$ npm run client

Enjoy it :)


The app is based and inspired by this CRUD app tutorial

Other information

The project is open to ideas ( the developer of the project as well ;) ), and you can make anything you want with it, I hope that you can learn something that you didn’t know and that the project, someway, brings something new to you

Download Details:

Author: francofl99

Source Code: https://github.com/francofl99/toDo-app

#vue #vuejs #javascript

A Very Simple CRUD App to Manage Personal Tasks
2.65 GEEK