In software engineering, making things work the first time is always easy. But, what if you want to add new functionalities to an existing code? Making iterations on an existing basis can be difficult to do without introducing bugs. This is where SOLID principles come into play.


My experience as a Software engineer taught me that a Startup product grows and develops every day. This means that the codebase as well, it’s inevitable.

If you don’t architect your codebase in a way that can allow changes, later on, you will pay an expensive price!

In software engineering, making things work the first time is always easy. But, what if you want to add new functionalities to an existing code? Making iterations on an existing basis can be difficult to do without introducing bugs. This becomes even more of an issue when many developers are working on the same project. If the project team doesn’t agree on strong software architecture to start with, your codebase can and will become messy. If you don’t have a set of predefined rules, your team will reach a point of no return. A point where maintaining the functionality of the whole application becomes difficult, not to say impossible. Especially, if you don’t have the practice to write tests… but this is another topic.

Turns out, I got tired of being afraid to change or add a piece of code without breaking everything. I realized something needed to change and I started to learn software design, particularly SOLID principles.

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Angular and SOLID Principles
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