Users should only be able to update records that they own. In this video, we will create custom middleware in Next.js to ensure that the logged-in user owns the record they are trying to update. We will use Auth0 to handle authentication as well as authorization based on the logged-in user.

Build a Fullstack JAMstack application with Next.js, Airtable, Auth0, and Tailwind CSS. In this series, we are going to walk through building a Fullstack JAMstack application with Next.js from scratch. We’ll use Tailwind CSS for our styling, Airtable for our database, and add Auth0 for authentication.

What You’ll Learn

  • Build Fullstack applications with Next.js
  • Use Tailwind CSS with Next.js
  • Integrate Airtable in NextJS with API Routes/Serverless Functions
  • React Context API in Next.js
  • Authentication and Authorization in Next.js with Auth0
  • Relevant Links

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#next #api #auth0 #jamstack

Add Authorization in Next.js API Routes with Auth0 - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (10)
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