In this article, you will learn how to use or integrate WordPress in ASP.NET and Running WordPress on ASP.NET Core, without PHP, or any source files on the server. The following demonstration will show you how to add WordPress as a frontend to an existing ASP.NET Core application step by step.

Running WordPress on NET Core

WordPress is a free, simplest, and most popular open-source content management system to create your own website or blog which is written in PHP and paired up with MySQL. WordPress on .Net Core is possible with peachpie, which is a compiler built on top of the Roslyn platform, it’s a set of runtime and base class libraries and everything that allows compiling a PHP project, a group of PHP files into a regular .net project.

Peachpie allows for seamless both-way interoperability between PHP and .NET applications. In simpler terms, this means that one can have some parts of an application written in PHP, while other modules are written in .NET and everything will work together as one application. Here is the original Repository of the WordPress SDK by PeachPie.

Here are the following steps to run WordPress with ASP.Net Core:-

Step1: Open your Visual Studio IDE and Create a new project – > ASP.NET Core Web Application

create new project | wordpress on core

Step 2: Select Web Application: A project template for creating an ASP.Net Core application with example ASP.Net Razor Pages Content. core #wordpress core #wordpress on core #wordpress with core

Running WordPress on ASP.NET Core with Peachpie
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