Developers around the world are deep into one of the biggest software transformations yet: the migration away from monolithic, single-node applications to microservice-based, cloud native applications running on distributed systems. It might not be as big a shift as the move from punch cards to human-readable programming languages, but it’s up there.

Lightbend recently completed a survey of more than 1,000 developers and other IT decision-makers, shedding light on the challenges enterprises face during this shift and how they’re facing them. Here’s what you — as a developer or software engineer tasked with navigating this new landscape — can take away from this research:

  • Don’t forget why you’re adopting cloud native technologies.
  • Do design cloud native applications to handle unresponsive or broken components.
  • Don’t forget about security and compliance.
  • Do locate functionality that can be shifted to microservices or serverless sooner than later.
  • Don’t assume more configurable or portable solutions are a “silver bullet.”
  • Do determine what trade-offs are acceptable to your organization.

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6 Cloud Native Do's and Don'ts for Developers
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