In preparation for this enhancement, our IP address space will be changing for outbound traffic from Azure DevOps Services to customers’ on-prem systems, effective October 5 2020. If you’re currently using firewall rules to allow traffic from Azure DevOps Services, please be sure to update these rules to account for our new IP ranges by that deadline. We will be conducting a brownout test from September 8, 2020 to September 15, 2020 as indicated below. Some of the scenarios are:

Azure DevOps Services connecting to endpoints for  Service Hooks,

Azure DevOps Services connecting to SQL server in customer’s on-prem systems for Data Import),

Azure Pipelines connecting to on-prem source code repositories such as  GitHub Enterprise or  BitBucket Server.

The Service Tag does not apply to  Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents. For inbound traffic from customers’ on-prem systems to Azure DevOps Services, customers can continue to follow the guidelines here.

Determining impact

To help you determine whether this change impacts your organization, we are building an  Azure DevOps IP Check Tool. The IP Check Tool is used to validate inbound and outbound connectivity between Azure DevOps Services and customers’ on-prem systems. Please use this tool prior to the brownout and after to validate your connectivity.

For inbound testing from your on-prem system to Azure DevOps Services, please make sure that the browser running the test is connected to your target network. We will attempt to contact Azure DevOps Services and report any errors we see.

For outbound testing from Azure DevOps Services to your on-prem systems, please provide us with a REST URL you expect our services to call. We will attempt to call the URL from each of our service regions. Any HTTP status code between 200 and 499 will be considered a successful connection. All 5xx status codes will be reported as an error.

If you are having issues, please post an update on this  open developer community item.

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New IP address ranges with Service Tags for Azure DevOps Services
12.60 GEEK