Higher Order Functions provide a higher level of abstraction for functions. They have the potential to take your JavaScript code to new heights!

What is a Higher Order Function?

Let’s look at the name, and consider how we talk about things.

We dig down into the details, but sometimes we want a high level view of things.

This high level view indicates more abstraction. We go down into details, but we elevate into a more abstract viewpoint.

Higher Order Functions are exactly that: A higher level of abstraction than your typical functions.

So how can we define a Higher Order Function?

Higher Orders Functions are functions that perform operations on other functions.

In this definition, operations can mean taking one or more functions as an argument OR returning a function as the result. It doesn’t have to do both. Doing one or the other qualifies a function as a higher order function.

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Higher Order Functions in JavaScript – Reach New Heights in Your JS Code
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