How to Apply Data Scraping for SEO

There are various search engines, but Google is still the most popular and preferred. However, it often changes its algorithms. In such a way, Google is constantly shifting to being primarily a discovery engine for organic listings and paid as well.

Lots of people claim that SEO is dying, but it’s not so. SEO is changing the same pace as Google does and it is still effective if properly used.

To dominate the organic listings, SEO specialists should know a few things about Google:

It gathers data from everywhere, even from your device, applications, and location details.
The engine ranks the sites that users want to see.
It makes search results personalized.
Google likes brands.

So, dealing with Google’s algorithms, take all these factors into account, and outperform your competitors at the same time. For the purpose, you need to analyze a lot of data.
Fortunately, data scraping tools and services facilitate pulling the necessary information from multiple sites and getting the most of it. For SEO specialists, this technology is a mighty helper in the ongoing work of your website quality improvement.
If your site is big, and it’s already difficult to check it manually, automated scrapers come handy to verify that the content of your site is comprehensive, with the necessarily required word count and links included, that all pages have meta titles and descriptions, etc.
After checking your own site, you can proceed to retrieving the content your competitors post and generate traffic through.
What should you do?
Organic keyword results scraping
Find out the keywords your competitors rank for. Checking metadata and PPC ads is also helpful to know where their traffic comes from and use the source as well.
AdWords ad copies research
With the help of specialized tools, like SEMrush, for instance, find out the keywords purchased through Google AdWords. Using scraping tools, you will save lots of time and energy.
Scarping AdWords copy works even for the sites protected from crawling. So just sort the received list and pick up the most relative and effective keys for your ad campaign.

Potential influencers search

Searching through relative (or competitor) blog comments, you can always find people influential in your sphere, interested in your product or service, and ready to cooperate, write for or advertise you, for instance.
Automated scrapers can help you find the relative blogs, articles, comments, and contact information of the interested people.

Figure out the best performing categories

Review your best performing content and find out what makes certain articles more shareable. Is it a title, topic, category, other metrics?
Getting such an insight into your site, check also the competitor resources. Then adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Get more interesting information for your articles

Scrape statistic sites, case studies, reports, infographics, everything that may help you make your own content more valuable and engaging for your audience. Make your posts of superior quality.

Final thoughts

Web data scraping technology is a splendid instrument for SEO when done right, so make sure you use the right tool or service provider for the purpose. Automate or outsource scraping and jump right into the thick of your content quality. Do your best to make it engaging for your readers and well ranked by Google.

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Web Data Scraping Company | DataOx
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