Mini Blog Laravel Project

00:00:00 Introduction to Mini Blog
00:00:55 Creating Project and Setting up Database
00:02:21 Creating Model Migration and Controller
00:03:57 Creating Table and Columns
00:06:03 Installing Breeze
00:08:37 User and Post One to Many Relationship
00:09:09 Checking Breeze Login Registration and Dashboard
00:11:16 Working with Post Controller
00:12:20 Insert Data into Posts Table
00:14:40 Post View
00:23:25 Creating Navigation for Post
00:25:18 Retrieving All Posts to Dashboard
00:34:57 Post Success Message
00:37:15 Protecting Routes
00:38:49 Using group function to Protect All Routes
00:42:28 Editing Post
00:44:08 Edit Post View
00:47:42 Edit Button Logic
00:49:15 Update Post
00:55:00 Delete Post
00:57:45 Creating Home Page
01:01:47 Paginating Posts on Home Page
01:05:22 Mini Blog After Applying Tailwind CSS
01:07:55 Retrieving Post Data related to Specific User



Mini Blog Laravel Project
1.75 GEEK