Java Programming Cheatsheet: All You Need to Know

This comprehensive Java programming cheatsheet covers everything from the basics (variables, data types, operators, control flow statements) to more advanced topics (object-oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism, collections, generics, multithreading). Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this cheatsheet is a valuable resource for brushing up on your Java skills. We summarize the most commonly used Java language features and APIs in the textbook.

Hello, World.

Editing, compiling, and executing.

Built-in data types.

Declaration and assignment statements.


Floating-point numbers.


Comparison operators.


Parsing command-line arguments.

Math library.

The full java.lang.Math API.

Java library calls.

Type conversion.

Anatomy of an if statement.

If and if-else statements.

Nested if-else statement.

Anatomy of a while loop.

Anatomy of a for loop.


Break statement.

Do-while loop

Switch statement.


Inline array initialization.

Typical array-processing code.

Two-dimensional arrays.

Inline initialization.

Our standard output library.

The full StdOut API.

Formatted printing.

Our standard input library.

The full StdIn API.

Our library for array input and output.

The full StdArrayIO API.

Our standard drawing library.

The full StdDraw API.

Our standard audio library.

The full StdAudio API.

Command line.

Redirection and piping.


Libraries of functions.

Our standard random library.

The full StdRandom API.

Our standard statistics library.

The full StdStats API.

Using an object.

Instance variables.


Instance methods.


Object-oriented libraries.

Java's String data type.

The full java.lang.String API.

Java's Color data type.

The full java.awt.Color API.

Our input library.

The full In API.

Our output library.

The full Out API.

Our picture library.

The full Picture API.

Our stack data type.

The full Stack API.

Our queue data type.

The full Queue API.


Our symbol table data type.

The full ST API.

Our set data type.

The full SET API.

Our graph data type.

The full Graph API.

Compile-time and run-time errors.

Here's a list of errors compiled by Mordechai Ben-Ari. It includes a list of common error message and typical mistakes that give rise to them.


Java Programming Cheatsheet: All You Need to Know
11.25 GEEK