Not only should web developers know how to launch a local HTTP server, but it’s also useful for mobile developers as well. For example, we might want to check the network layer of our mobile app and parse the response to our DTO models while the backend part is still under development.

There are many useful solutions for these tasks (such as mockoon or postman). However, in this article, we are going to build our own solution! 🤓💪

To launch the local webserver, we can use Debian or macOS. In this tutorial, I will use Debian on Windows through WSL, though the vast majority of the listed commands are also applicable to the macOS ecosystem.

If you have already installed Debian OS, we also need to install a python interpreter (This procedure is not required for macOS users because macOS already has a python interpreter). We can do this via this command

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Launching a Python Webserver for Mobile Development
1.70 GEEK