In machine learning, while building a predictive model for classification and regression tasks there are a lot of steps that are performed from exploratory data analysis to different visualization and transformation. There are a lot of transformation steps that are performed to pre-process the data and get it ready for modelling like missing value treatment, encoding the categorical data, or scaling/normalizing the data. We do all these steps and build a machine learning model but while making predictions on the testing data we often repeat the same steps that were performed while preparing the data.

So there are a lot of steps that are followed and while working on a big project in teams we can often get confused about this transformation. To resolve this we introduce pipelines that hold every step that is performed from starting to fit the data on the model.

Through this article, we will explore pipelines in machine learning and will also see how to implement these for a better understanding of all the transformations steps.

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Everything About Pipelines In Machine Learning and How Are They Used?
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