TestNG and JUnit are two very popular terms spoken amongst the testers simply because they are used very heavily in the community. If you are a tester, I am quite confident you must have heard these terms, or are learning these frameworks, or are already working on them for your testing. In other words, it is needless to say that they both have their powerful features and easiness, which is ultimately the reason for any framework’s success. Moreover, when it comes to the tester’s personal choice, it is imperative to maintain a yardstick for their decision as they will be giving this their time and resources to them. Since both of them are unit testing frameworks, a better in-depth analysis of **TestNG vs JUnit**will surely help you choose a better framework.

Another good reason for going through these differences is for the fellow students and professionals who have not tried their hands on any unit testing framework and are putting their first step in the same field. Additionally, a better understanding of unit testing will, therefore, come in handy, which is the foundation of these frameworks. With all this said, let’s see our index for the tutorial:

  • What is Unit Testing?
  • What is the JUnit framework?
  • Also, what is the TestNG framework?
  • Difference between TestNG and JUnit.

What is Unit Testing?

Before starting with the differences between TestNG and JUnit, we should understand what is meant by unit testing in brief. The word “unit” is used very popularly in two major fields: mathematics and budgeting. In mathematics, the unit means “1” like I traveled a unit distance from my home, etc. Similarly, in budgeting, we say “unit” when we want to refer to a single element of which many are available. For example, I bought eighty umbrellas for $3 per unit. So literally, the term unit refers to singularity.

Therefore, Unit testing means testing the smallest piece of code that is logical and isolated. Isolating means it does not depend on any other code from any other element. If unit testing happens on non-isolating terms, in that case, the test will fail. Moreover, Unit testing is done by putting the values by the tester and can be associated with the functions of a program or a single module, etc. What does the unit testing offer us? Unit testing helps in faster development of software, easing out the debugging process and makes the code reusable. Additionally, for a detailed guide, you can visit our post What Is Unit Testing and What are its benefits?

What is JUnit Framework?

JUnit is a testing framework written in Java. Moreover, JUnit is used for unit testing in Java and gets its name from the combination of Java + unit testing. In addition to that, it is beneficial for the tester to write and execute repeatable automation tests. The framework is very popular in the testing community today. Moreover, for writing the automation tests for the web, JUnit is used quite extensively with the Selenium web driver. The features of JUnit are in a different section.

What is TestNG Framework?

The TestNG framework was released after JUnit and served the same purpose, along with some additional functionalities. Additionally, the TestNG framework is used for testing and written in Java for the Java programming language. The JUnit and NUnit frameworks inspired the TestNG framework and covered a vast area in testing. Moreover, the TestNG framework performs unit testing, end-to-end testing, integration testing, etc. The testNG framework is very powerful. Additionally, you can visit our complete covering all the features of TestNG along with practical examples in Selenium.

TestNG vs Junit

Now that we have a basic knowledge or overview of unit testing and both of the frameworks, we will categorize the differences into significant features. Moreover, if you do not know about that feature, I will provide a link to visit a detailed guide for that.


Annotations In JUnit and TestNG

Both TestNG and JUnit implement annotations, and they work quite similarly in both of them. However, there is a slight difference between the name of some of the annotations, but their working remains the same. Subsequently, the following table analyses the TestNG vs JUnit in terms of annotations and would help you assess the annotation differences.


JUnit 5


Test annotation



Execute before the first test method in the current class is invoked. @BeforeAll


Execute after all the test methods in the current class have been run. @AfterAll


Execute before each test method



Execute after each test method



Ignore Test



Expected exception



Exception.class) Timeout

@Test(timeout = 1000)

@Test(timeout = 1000)

Execute before all tests in this suite have run N/A


Execute after all tests in this suite have run. N/A


Execute before the test



Execute after the test



Execute before the first test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked. N/A


Execute after the last test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked. N/A


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TestNG Vs JUnit: Comparison Between Two Popular Testing Frameworks
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