Kubernetes — The King of The Cloud-Native Jungle

Google’s Kubernetes (K8s), an open-source container orchestration system, has become the de facto standard — and the key enabler — for cloud-native applications, and the way they are architected, composed, deployed, and managed. Enterprises are using Kubernetes to create modern architectures composed of microservices and serverless functions that scale massively and seamlessly.

Kubernetes is on the hill of the Gartner hype cycle, everybody wants it, but few people truly understand it. Over the coming years, quite a few companies will have to realize that Kubernetes is not the silver bullet and figure out how to use it properly and efficiently.

Kubernetes Is So Damn Popular

Kubernetes solves real problems in the enterprises. Kubernetes provides an entire ecosystem of tools that you need; Networking, Compute & Memory Allocation, Load Balancing, Object Storage, and Scheduling, etc.

Infrastructure as data

Needed resources can be represented effortlessly in Kubernetes, using YAML files. Having everything defined in YAML files gives the option to manage them under version control, such as GIT. Also, makes it easy from a scalability perspective since everything can be easily changed and updated in the YAML file.


There is a big set of existing resources such as statefulset, configmap, secrets, cron jobs, and more. Users can add more types according to their needs.


Over the last few years, there are 3 or 4 major releases every year with a lot of new features and changes, and as it seems, it is not going to slow down.


Kubernetes is well known for its strong community and supported by CNCF. KubeCon is the largest ever open-source event in the world that attracts so many open-source lovers. Annual GitHub survey from 2019 shows that Kubernetes is one of the top ten open-source projects by contributors. In the last two years, Kubernetes comes in as one of the platforms loved by developers, along with Linux and Docker, as per the annual survey done by StackOverFlow.

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Is Kubernetes Really That Hard?
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