Avoid These 12 useState & useEffect Mistakes in React

Optimize your React code! Learn to avoid 12 common mistakes in useState and useEffect, ensuring cleaner, more efficient components. 12 Common Mistakes Junior React Developers Make with useState & useEffect Hooks

⏱️ Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:06 12/12 - State updates aren't immediate
2:35 11/12 - Conditional rendering
4:46 10/12 - Updating object state
7:59 9/12 - 1 Object state instead of multiple smaller ones
11:25 8/12 - Information can be derived from state / props
14:32 7/12 - Primitives vs non-primitives
19:05 6/12 - Initializing state with object
22:12 5/12 - TypeScript mistakes
27:19 4/12 - Not using custom hooks
30:59 3/12 - Server & Client components
33:08 2/12 - Stale closure
38:42 1/12 - Fetching in useEffect

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Avoid These 12 useState & useEffect Mistakes in React
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