In the software development world, practice makes perfect. Therefore, we should find as many ways to practice programming as possible.

With free public APIs, we can practice programming by creating apps that use those APIs.

In this article, we’ll look at some practice project ideas that can use some of those APIs.

Joke App

With the Chuck Norris Database API, we can make our own apps to display jokes about Chuck Norris.

We can display them however we like. We can display them randomly, get jokes by category, and whatever another way we can think of.

No authentication is required, so we can dig in without signing up.

Trivia Game

The Open Trivia API has a list of questions that are provided via their API. Each quest has both correct and incorrect answers.

Therefore, we can use it to make a trivia game app with ease. We can just display the questions and the choices and we can check against the answers that are listed.

No authentication is required, so we can dig in without signing up.

#programming #web-development #api

Top 10 Free APIs That We Can Use to Make Entertaining Apps
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