If AI is the new electricity, we ought to master it.

But, Google “what’s AI” and you get impractical explanations or bewildering jargon.

Google Search Sidebar for “what is AI.” Captured by author.

Let’s keep it simple. Here are the _exact _steps to make 7 AI startup MVPs, for 7 diverse use-cases, in 7 minutes. Fasten your seatbelts.

1. Image Classification

Idea: Sell face mask detection systems to stores for their CCTVs.

**Data: **Images of people wearing masks and people not wearing masks.

**Process: **Build a model, host it, sell it.

Let’s use Teachable Machine to make our model. Take some pics with and without a mask, hit “train model,” test it, and finally export it. Now, we have an MVP we can presell: a shareable URL leads can try out.

#artificial-intelligence #mvp #startup #machine-learning #data-science

The Fool-Proof Guide to AI
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