As a student fresher or working professional, researcher or undergrad student, if you are thinking to start your journey into the field of Data Science now or anytime in the future, or you need a list of right resources to make it happen, this article is for you.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about the top 10 of the open-source learning resources available, which can be really helpful for your journey into Data Science.

_Having a good theoretical knowledge is amazing but implementing them in code in a real-time machine learning project is a completely different thing. You might get different and unexpected results based on different problems and datasets. So as a Bonus,I am also adding the links to the various courses which has helped me a lot in my journey to learn _Data science_ and _ML_.I am personally a fan of _DataCamp_, I started from it and I am still learning through _DataCamp_ and keep doing new courses. They seriously have some exciting courses. Do check them out._

  1. Data scientist with python
  2. Data scientist with r
  3. Machine learning scientist with r
  4. Machine Learning Scientist in Python
  5. Introduction to Tableau
  6. Linear Algebra for Data Science in R
  7. Deep Learning with Keras in Python
  8. Introduction to Tensorflow in R
  9. Statistical Modelling in Python
  10. Statistical Modelling in R

Coming back to the topic — The list of best open-source resources given below is ranked both in terms of contributors and commits.

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Best and Top 10 Data Science Online Resource Available For Every Aspiring Data Scientist
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