Vue.js component for lazyloading YouTube videos


1.x documentation can be found here.


  • reduces initial load size by ~1.1MB per video
  • built with a11y in mind – fully accessible via keyboard and to screen readers
  • .webp thumbnail format for modern browsers that support it, with .jpg fallback for browsers that don’t
  • fully customizable through props and slots



$ npm install vue-lazy-youtube-video --save

Via Yarn

$ yarn add vue-lazy-youtube-video

Directly in browser

<script src=""></script>
<!-- Styles with CSS Custom Properties -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
<!-- Minified styles with CSS Custom Properties -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> -->
<!-- Styles without CSS Custom Properties -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> -->
<!-- Minified styles without CSS Custom Properties -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> -->
<script src=""></script>
  // as a plugin
  // as a component
  Vue.use('LazyYoutubeVideo', VueLazyYoutubeVideo.default)



import 'vue-lazy-youtube-video/dist/style.css'

As a global component

It must be called before new Vue().

import Vue from 'vue'
import LazyYoutubeVideo from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'

Vue.component('LazyYoutubeVideo', LazyYoutubeVideo)

As a local component

import LazyYoutubeVideo from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'

export default {
  name: 'YourAwesomeComponent',
  components: {

As a plugin

It must be called before new Vue().

import Vue from 'vue'
import { Plugin } from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'



  <LazyYoutubeVideo src="" />



The list of available props (with their types, default values and descriptions) is listed below:

Property Required Type Default Description
src true string <iframe />'s src attribute in[VIDEO_ID] format. URL can contain any query part, but notice that autoplay=1 is always appended
alt false string Video thumbnail Value of the alt attribute of the thumbnail <img /> element
buttonLabel false string Play video Value of the aria-label attribute of the play <button></button> element. Improves a11y
aspectRatio false string 16:9 Aspect ratio of the video. This prop helps to save proportions of the video on different container sizes. Should match the number:number pattern
previewImageSize false string maxresdefault Size of the thumbnail, generated by YouTube. Available variants: default, mqdefault, sddefault, hqdefault, maxresdefault. More info
thumbnail false { webp: string, jpg: string} Custom thumbnail object, which should contain two keys: webp and jpg. Value of the key is the path to the custom thumbnail image
iframeAttributes false object { allowfullscreen: true, frameborder: 0, allow: 'accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture' } Custom attributes that will be assigned to the <iframe /> element
webp false boolean true Whether or not try to load .webp thumbnail in favor of .jpg. Note that old videos may not have generated .webp thumbnail.
autoplay false boolean false Whether or not to play video as soon as component mounts into the DOM
thumbnailListeners false `Record<string, Function Function[]>`


Component provides some slots.

The list of available slots is listed below:

Slot Description
button Slot gives an ability to provide custom play button
icon Slot gives an ability to provide custom icon of the play button

Note, that when button slot is passed and this slot contains <button></button>, ones should not to forget to add aria-label (if this button contains only icon) and type="button" attributes. Also, if that button do not contain .y-video-button class, all default styles will be lost, so style concerns it’s up to developer.


Jest is used for unit-tests.


Jest and VueTestUtils is used for unit tests.

You can run unit tests by running the next command:

npm run test:unit


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using npm run dev script


To build the production ready bundle simply run npm run build:

After the successful build the following files will be generated in the dist folder:

├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.common.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.esm.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.min.js
├── style.css
├── style.min.css
├── style.simplified.cssDownload Details:


**Live Demo:**

├── style.simplified.min.css

Powered by


Inspired by Vadim Makeev. Vadim created a comprehensive tutorial in which he shows how to lazyload YouTube videos properly.

Download Details:

Author: andrewvasilchuk


#vuejs #vue #javascript #vue-js

Vue.js component for lazyloading YouTube videos
15.45 GEEK