Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces. Similar to Facebook’s Flux architecture, it was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark.
- 0:00:00 Introduction
- 0:01:02 What is Redux?
- 0:03:20 Pros and Cons of Redux
- 0:08:49 Is Redux for You?
- 0:11:18 Setting Up the Development Environment
- 0:13:07 Course Structure
- 0:15:32 Function Programming
- 0:15:59 What is Functional Programming?
- 0:17:25 Functions as First-Class Citizens
- 0:20:33 Higher-order Functions
- 0:22:06 Functional Composition
- 0:25:45 Composing and Piping
- 0:28:08 Currying
- 0:34:17 Pure Functions
- 0:37:08 Immutability
- 0:41:22 Updating Objects
- 0:45:56 Updating Arrays
- 0:49:51 Enforcing Immutability
- 0:50:56 Immutable.js
- 0:54:36 Immer
- 0:57:30 Redux Intro
- 0:57:55 Redux Architecture
- 1:02:58 Your First Redux Application
- 1:04:43 Designing the Store
- 1:06:10 Defining the Actions
- 1:09:37 Creating a Reducer
- 1:15:50 Creating the Store
- 1:17:16 Dispatching Actions
- 1:20:02 Subscribing to the Store
- 1:22:10 Action Types
- 1:26:03 Action Creators
- 1:29:01 Exercise
- 1:29:18 Solution
#redux #reactjs #javascript #web-development