Learn how to replace items in a Python list by solving basic algorithms a get ready for your next coding interview.

Update: Many of you contacted me asking for valuable resources_ to nail Python coding interviews_. Below I share 4 courses that I strongly recommend to keep exercising after practicing the algorithms in this post:

Hope you’ll find them useful too! Now enjoy the article :D


While preparing for your next Python coding round, you might have noticed that algorithms requiring to manipulate one or more lists appear rather frequently. Sooner or later, you should expect to encounter one of them during your interviews as well.

Algorithms requiring to manipulate one or more lists appear rather frequently. Sooner or later, you should expect to encounter one of them during your interviews as well.

In order to help you in the process of mastering this data structure and improve your coding skills, below I present 4 **methods to replace an item in Python lists **as well as four simple algorithms for you to test your skills.

Most of the classic interview questions can be solved with multiple approaches, so for each problem, try to come up with your solution first, before looking at the one I provided. Similarly to other skills, algorithmic interview is one area where you can greatly improve with consistent practice.

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4 Ways To Replace Items In Python Lists
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