Blameless Incident Management is a tool for managing production incidents. However, it can support many different use cases due to its flexibility. Here at Blameless, we try to “dogfood” our product as much as possible. So we’ve taken to using the IM feature for many other aspects of our daily work, not just system outages. One use case that I’m particularly fond of is using the tool to drive alignment and collaboration around long-term infrastructure projects. In this blog post, I’m excited to share a project that I’m working on to reduce our cloud spend. Let’s take a look at some of the non-outage ways we use Blameless Incident Management to manage, track, and keep a historical record of projects that might have durations of weeks or months, versus nail-biting minutes or hours.

Our CFO has noticed that our cloud bill with our hosting provider, GCP, has been steadily increasing on a monthly basis. He’s asked the SRE team to look into the reasons behind the trend, and come up with a strategy that will allow us to:

  1. Flatten the curve of increasing cost,
  2. Run leaner in the long term,
  3. And build better monitoring so that we can capacity plan.

We have our marching orders, so let’s get after it.


How to Cut Cloud Costs for 2021 Using Blameless
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