Some time ago I had a chance to interview a great artificial intelligence researcher and Chief AI Scientist in Lindera, Arash Azhand.

We talked about:

  • The AI technology behind his work at Lindera
  • His career pathHow it is to be a research-centered scientist
  • How to become a good leader
  • Why it is important to approach AI research from a business perspective

Here is the full video of our conversation:

You can watch the video to see the raw content.

Here is a summary of our conversation.*

*What follows is not a 1–1 transcript but rather a cleaned-up, structured, and rephrased version of it.

What do you do at Lindera, and what do you build with your team?

What we do at Lindera, from the point of artificial intelligence, is to use these very interesting and novel techniques that are called AI technology in medical technology.

Our main focus is to bring computer vision algorithms to detect human skeletons for the purpose of walking analysis. So we take videos of senior people and extract the skeleton out of these 2D video images in three-dimensional space and then try to calculate parameters of walking. For example, step length, step time, walking speed. That’s because we know, from a medical standpoint, that these parameters are specifically important to assess medical disorders such as the prevalence of falling of the elders.

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"Give Your Team the Space to Develop Ideas," Chief AI Scientist Arash Azhand
3.20 GEEK