Hi reader!

A note :

This article presumes that you are unreasonably fascinated by the mathematical world of deep learning. You want to dive deep into the math of deep learning to know what’s actually going under the hood.

Some Information about this article:

In this article we’ll discuss and implement RNNs from scratch. We’ll then use them to generate text(like poems, c++ code). I am inspired to write this article after reading Andrej Karpathy’s blog on “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks”. The text generated by this code is not perfect, but it gives an intuition about how text generation actually works. Our input will be plain text file containing some text(such as shakespeare’s poem) and our program will generate output similar to the input(poem) which may or may not make sense.

Let’s dive into the mathematical world of RNNs.

So What is the basic structure of RNN?

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Fig 1 :Vanilla RNN

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Fig 2: Unrolled Vanilla RNN

Don’t worry about any of the terms. We’ll discuss each of them. They are pretty easy to understand.

In Fig 1:

h(t): hidden state of RNN at time t=t

fw: non-linearity function(mostly tanh)

Whh: randomly initialized weight matrix. It is used when we move from **h **to **h **(hidden state to another hidden state).

Wxh: randomly initialized weight matrix. It is used when we move from ‘**x’ **to ‘**h’ **(inputs to hidden states).

Why: randomly initialized weight matrix when we move from ‘**h’ **to ‘**y’ **present hidden state to output.

bh(not in the photo): randomly initialized column matrix as bias matrix to be added in calculation of h(t).

by(not in the photo): randomly initialized column matrix as bias matrix to be added in calculation of y(t).


We start by importing data:

char_to_ix: it's a dictionary to assign a unique number to each unique character
ix_to_char:it's a dictionary to assign a unique character to each number.
We deal with assigned number of each character and predict number of next character and then use this predicted number to find the next character.

#ai #neural-networks #coding #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning

Generate stories using RNNs |Pure Mathematics with code|
1.15 GEEK