Template driven forms are model driven forms driven by directives in a template. Template driven forms are approached by angular JS users but sometimes template driven forms will be used for complex systems. For instance, if you want to dynamically set to validate a particular form filed you can use template driven forms. In the template driven forms uses two way data binding in terms of it uses ngModel despite formControl and fromGroups.

Form structure

I am going to create a simple form that is able to create new form fields. The number of form-fields depends on the user. It can be changed at run time.

However, each form entry requires a name like formControlName in reactive forms and the state of the form as a whole that is a collection of individual form fields. Each form filed is assigned a unique id property. Therefore, template driven form controls need to be uniquely named. We can generate form fields using a unique control name. In this dynamic form, it has been used the current timestamp as a unique id or you can create a method to get random numbers to assign for this unique id. So it can get through with parent NgForm.

First, import formsModule to main module ex:- app.module.ts then create an interface to describe an object. You have to set some properties you want to this interface.

<form #parentForm="ngForm" (submit)="submitParentForm(parentForm)">
	    <ng-template ngFor let-form [ngForOf]="mainForm.formFields" let-index="index" let-isLast="last">
	            name="formFirld1_{{ form.id }}"
	        <div *ngIf="parentForm.submitted && !form.formField1.value">Form field 1 is required</div>
	            name="formFirld2_{{ form.id }}"
	         <div *ngIf="parentForm.submitted && !form.formField2.value">Form field 2 is required</div>
	        <button (click)="removeForm(index)">Remove form</button>
	    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
	    <button type="button" (click)="parentForm.reset()">
	<button (click)="addForm()" [disabled]="(!parentForm.form.valid)">Add new form</button>

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Angular simple dynamic template-driven form for beginners
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