A Twitter app built with Flutter


Harpy is a feature rich twitter experience built in Flutter.

Currently still in development. See the project for more information about the progress.


Subject to change
Login Setup
login_screen.dart setup_screen.dart
Login screen Setup screen
Home User profile Following
Home screen User screen Following screen
Custom theme
Custom theme screen Custom theme color selection Custom theme color selection

Development / Setup

Harpy is expected to be released in the PlayStore for Android, therefore only Android devices are used for testing the builds.

Twitter API key

Get your Twitter API key here.

  • Create a yaml file app_config.yaml in assets/config/ with the key and secret.

      consumerKey: "your key"
      consumerSecret: "your secret"


The Sentry error tracking service is used to report errors in release mode.

  • The DSN provided by Sentry can be entered in the app_config.yaml in assets/config/.

      dsn: "your dsn"

When omitted or left empty, errors are not sent to an error tracking service in release mode.


  • To generate json_serializable models: flutter packages pub run build_runner build

  • Building an appbundle for release:

    • flutter build appbundle --flavor free --target lib/main_free.dart
    • flutter build appbundle --flavor pro --target lib/main_pro.dart

Download Details:

Author: robertodoering

GitHub: https://github.com/robertodoering/harpy

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

A Twitter app built with Flutter
2.55 GEEK