An in depth analysis of all the differences between cookies, localStorage, and sessionStorage.

Storing data in the browser is a fairly simple task, but there are three different ways to do it and it can be difficult to know which storage option is best for your particular use case. In this video I will be covering all three of the different ways to store data in a user’s browser so you can choose the exact option that works best for you.

If you prefer to learn visually, check out the video version of this article

What Are Cookies, Local Storage, And Session Storage Used For?

Before I dive into the many differences between the various storage options I first need to talk about what they are used for. All three methods of storage are used to store information on the user’s browser which can be accessed even after navigating to new pages on your site. This data is also saved to the user’s exact browser they are using so if they have your site open in Chrome it will only save the information to their Chrome browser on the device they are currently on. This means if they open your site later in a different browser the data will no longer be there. Now let’s jump into the many differences between each option.

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JavaScript Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage
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