Accept Payments Effortlessly with Mollie and WooCommerce

This WordPress plugin connects your WooCommerce shop to payment provider Mollie via the Pronamic Pay plugin built by Pronamic.


Accept payments with Mollie and WooCommerce for WordPress


Pronamic Pay

Pronamic Pay is a plugin/framework/library aimed at receiving payments through WordPress websites. The Pronamic Pay ecosystem includes integrations between popular WordPress plugins and various payment providers. It is maintained by Pronamic, a Dutch web development agency that specializes in WordPress solutions.


WooCommerce is the world's most popular open-source eCommerce solution.


Mollie is a payment service provider that helps businesses accept online payments from customers using a variety of payment methods. It's based in the Netherlands, serves over 120,000 merchants in Europe, and is known for its easy-to-use platform and excellent customer service.


Download Details:

Author: pronamic

Official Github: 

License: GPL-2.0 license


Accept Payments Effortlessly with Mollie and WooCommerce
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