This article about a simple understanding of Angular that makes you not confuse or maybe struggling when start to learn Angular.

Here we gonna talk about Simple Understanding About Angular for the first time since I wrote an article about ReactJS / React Native back then.

First of all, I’m sorry, I’m not making an article a couple of months back there, ’cause there are a lot of things to do, so I have no time to create an article. Anyway, here’s the new article that I made!

I know, Angular it’s difficult to learn, but hey! This article about a simple understanding of Angular that makes you not confuse or maybe struggling when start to learn Angular. So, let’s focus on the good things.

The requirement for following this article

  1. Very basic JavaScript(ES6)
  2. Very basic TypeScript (Optional)

Tools that you must have to follow this article

1. NodeJS

The important thing is NodeJS itself because the NodeJS comes with NPM, which in this case we gonna use for installing ReactJS. You can download it here NodeJS. I recommending install the LTS version, I currently used v14.15.0 at the time to write this article_._

2. Text Editor

There’s a bunch of Text editor out there, I prefer using VSCode which you can download here VSCode.

It’s fine if you want to use text editors like Sublime Text or Atom, just choose tools that match you.

Why I made this article

Huda, why you made this article? Why you don’t make another article about React / React Native or maybe NodeJS or any other stuff? Why Angular man?!

Okay, here’s the thing, a couple of days back there I have spare time. I don’t know why I start to learn Angular. So myself say, why you just start to make an article about Angular? I mean, why not? I’m curious about Angular that other people talk is Hard to learn when I start to learn. Man! It’s hard hahaha.

That’s why I create an Angular article. Seems interesting.

#javascript #rxjs #angular #web-development

Angular — Simple Understanding with RxJS
1.90 GEEK