In this video we will take a comprehensive view into Redux Toolkit (RTK) - the official way of setting up a redux application. We will look into all the features it comes with, go over the various functions it comes included with, and we will also set up a simple redux application in React in both the traditional way and also the redux toolkit way to compare.

⚠️ Corrections:

  • At 3:12:43 I compare the bundle size of Redux and Redux Toolkit using npm page’s “Unpacked Size” number. This is misleading because this size includes all parts of the package, including dev-only packages. A better measure to compare the actual size of the package that will impact your code is using Bundlephobia. According to Bundlephobia, the size of redux-toolkit (as of version 1.2.5) is 29.8kb, whereas redux is at 7.3kb. While RTK is still bigger, it is no way as big as I show in the video. Not only that, the redux team + immer team is still hard at work to better tree-shaking within the Immer library, so we will most definitely see a decrease in this size in the near future

🕒 Timestamps:


  • 0:30 - Quick overview on Redux Toolkit
  • 2:42 - Video roadmap
  • 4:50 - Pre-requisites
  • 6:35 - What are the packages included in RTK?
  • 14:13 - What is Immer (And Immutable Update Patterns)?
  • 19:40 - Quick overview of the functions in RTK
  • 34:22 - How to install RTK into our apps


  • 37:48 - Get your starter code!
  • 46:00 - Old Redux Setup Begins
  • 48:01 - Visual Model of our app
  • 51:50 - (Old) Creating our action type constants
  • 53:26 - (Old) Creating our action creators
  • 1:05:09 - (Old) Creating our reducers
  • 1:18:52 - (Old) Setting up our redux store
  • 1:25:21 - (Old/RTK) Connecting our functional component with Redux
  • 1:40:02 - New RTK setup begins
  • 1:43:02 - (RTK) Creating our slices via createSlice
  • 2:12:24 - (RTK) Setting up our store via configureStore
  • 2:27:48 - Comparing old code vs RTK code

Going over RTK Functions:

  • 2:29:53 - configureStore() and getDefaultMiddleware()
  • 2:36:09 - createSlice()
  • 2:45:05 - Immutable Update logic vs Immer logic comparison
  • 2:49:43 - Pitfalls of Immer to watch out for
  • 2:57:03 - createAction()
  • 3:02:01 - createReducer()
  • 3:04:43 - other RTK functions

Q&A & Summary:

  • 3:05:49 - How do we handle async logic using RTK???
  • 3:12:43 - How big is the package compared to redux?
  • 3:14:02 - Didn’t useContext and useReducer kill off redux?
  • 3:14:51 - Summary

🗄 Resources:

Github Starting Repo:
Github Finished Code:
Redux Toolkit Official Website:
Mark Erikson’s blog on Redux Toolkit:
Why RTK uses Redux Thunk over Redux Saga:
Immutable Update Pattern:
RTK v1.3.0-alpha -

🔑 Key Concepts:

  • Redux Toolkit (RTK)
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Immer
  • configureStore
  • createSlice

#react #redux #javascript #web-development #programming

Deep Dive into Redux Toolkit with React - Complete Guide
21.40 GEEK