In this article, we will discuss the Dirty Read concurrency issue and also learn the details of the Read Uncommitted Isolation Level.

A transaction is the smallest working unit that performs the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) actions in the relational database systems. Relevant to this matter, database transactions must have some characteristics to provide database consistency. The following four features constitute the major principles of the transactions to ensure the validity of data stored by database systems. These are;

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability

These four properties are also known as ACID principles. Let’s briefly explain these four principles.


This property is also known as all or nothing principle. According to this property, a transaction can not be completed partially, so if a transaction gets an error at any point of the transaction, the entire transaction should be aborted and rollbacked. Or, all the actions contained by a transaction must be completed successfully.


According to this property, the saved data must not damage data integrity. This means that the modified data must provide the constraints and other requirements that are defined in the database.


According to this property, the committed will not be lost even with the system or power failure.


The database transactions must complete their tasks independently from the other transactions. This property enables us to execute the transactions concurrently on the database systems. So, the data changes which are made up by the transactions are not visible until the transactions complete (committed) their actions. The SQL standard describes three read phenomena, and they can be experienced when more than one transaction tries to read and write to the same resources.

  • Dirty-reads
  • Non-repeatable reads
  • Phantom reads

What is Dirty Read?

The simplest explanation of the dirty read is the state of reading uncommitted data. In this circumstance, we are not sure about the consistency of the data that is read because we don’t know the result of the open transaction(s). After reading the uncommitted data, the open transaction can be completed with rollback. On the other hand, the open transaction can complete its actions successfully. The data that is read in this ambiguous way is defined as dirty data. Now we will explain this issue with a scenario:

Assuming we have a table as shown below that stores the bank account details of the clients.

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Dirty Reads and the Read Uncommitted Isolation Level
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