If you're interested in becoming a software developer, there are a few books that you should definitely read. These books will teach you the fundamentals of software development, as well as more advanced concepts and techniques.

In this video, I'll share my top 5 picks for the best software development books for beginners. I'll also give you a brief overview of each book and explain why I recommend it.

Although reading software books alone isn't sufficient for learning to code, they can significantly accelerate the learning process.  Here are my top 5 programming books for beginner to intermediate software developers.


📃 Video contents

0:00 Intro
1:35 Code by Charles Petzold
2:50 Elements of Computing Systems (nand2tetris)
4:59 The War of Art
6:54 Code Complete
9:20 Head First Series (Design, OOP, Java, etc.)


5 Best Software Development Books for Beginners
1.65 GEEK