If you’ve spent 5 minutes around computers, chances are you’ve used the CLI (Command Line Interface). You’ve had problems like not being able to copy and paste using keyboard shortcuts (Control-C, Control-V) or easily saving the output of your last command, etc.

Using a python script to help trace your CLI is a good and easy skill to pick up if you plan on using the command line in the future.

Python OS module

This python module allows to automatically perform operating system tasks. It provides functions for creating and removing a directory (folder), fetching its contents, changing and identifying the current directory, etc.

More importantly, the OS module allows you to interface with any underlying operating system that Python might be running on (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Create your script

The first step is to import the os module

import os

#command-line #programming #python

The Python Module That will revolutionise your Command Line skills
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