If you’re trying to learn how to incorporate ag-Grid into your React application, you’ve made it to the right place.

In this article, I will cover both the client-side and server-side implementations of ag-Grid. I will explain all the necessary parts, and how to integrate both implementations into a React application.

For those new to ag-Grid, it is a feature-rich JavaScript data grid that supports major JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.

I’ve linked some popular features listed in the ag-Grid documentation:

Client Side Implementation

The client-side implementation is pretty straightforward. Here is what we’ll need for the client-side implementation:

  • Ag-Grid React Component
  • OnGridReady
  • GridOptions
  • ColumnDefs
  • RowData

#react #javascript #ag-grid #reactjs

Integrating ag-Grid into your React application
4.45 GEEK